Bob Offereins
You create communication solutions, I merely provide clear and powerful tools to generate the energy to do so.
“Utilize the difference by making the difference”
From an early age on, people and their behavior have fascinated me. People from all kinds of cultures, both rich and poor, people with different sexual preferences, and different fields of expertise. A big source of inspiration was my mother: she was not bound by social barriers. My mother taught me that everyone is equal, and you can find true beauty in each and everyone.
The years that followed as a teenager were a true (communication) struggle. It wasn´t easy how to learn to deal with my sensitive side and the influence my behavior has on others. Even then, I was getting in the driver´s seat to learn from my sensitive and insecure side, and to utilize my empathic character.
A challenging life experience in 2007 made me face the facts – it taught me humbleness, the power of vulnerability, personal leadership and how we can really make the world a better place when we utilize these differences by making the difference. This way you can accomplish everything, as long as you believe, take the steps and find the resilience to learn from your mistakes.
Leaving the world as a better place than how you found it
In a rapidly evolving world, colored by different people with different interests, communication has become more and more important. In my dealings with individuals, teams and organizations I see a challenge arising in how people stay in touch, complement each other and understand one another when it comes to learning, change and development.
Let me be the generator to learn to speak to your self and to others – you create your own solutions, I’m merely providing clear and powerful tools to generate the energy to do so. I believe that with my experiences in life, my skills in coaching and training and my genuine and pragmatic way of working, I can leave the world as a better place than how I found it.
ServicesHow to deal with Change?
In a constantly evolving world, where “online” and “digital” are becoming more and more important, where products and services are rallying in quality but also are getting more alike, what is it that you do to differentiate yourself? Have you considered how you, your team, and the organization you’re working for are shifting alongside the changes in the market?
Nowadays, you see organizations being challenged regarding communication. It’s the fundament for organizations to learn, develop and to deal with changes.
Are you providing the right atmosphere for yourself and the people around you to feel at ease, to be vulnerable, collaborative and to make the impact you envisioned? It is with these questions and challenges I would like to help you, your team or your organization!
Telling your own story
>We’ve all seen the scenes in movies, where people gather around the fire during twilight, telling stories while making gestures.
Verbal entertainment – it’s old as times. Nowadays, we use the term “storytelling” to express our own story or the story of our company in the best manner possible.
Storytelling is often seen as an art, leaving people feeling unfit for the task, or jealous of the speakers in their surroundings or seen online. It is my belief that everyone is capable of storytelling – sometimes you just need a coach, training and – not to forget – some practice to get better. It’s a motion all great storytellers go through.
I’d like to empower you in telling your story in a confident and genuine manner. If you know what you stand for and how to bring this across to your audience, you can do it anyplace anytime – whether it’s on stage, in your dealings with your clients or online.
Examples of my work
I’ve constructed a program around “Growth Mindset” and “Customer Focus” in collaboration with Microsoft Netherlands, created a platform for online- and offline training regarding empowerment for the Lucille Werner Foundation, and provided team coaching and training related to development of the individual as well as teams.

Examples of my work
I’ve offered support in keynotes, inspirational speeches, sales pitches or online presentations such as vlogs and blogs.

Bob Faciliteert om te zorgen dat deelnemers van welke sessie dan ook, kunnen doen waar ze goed in zijn. Hij zorgt voor een vloeiende overgang tussen verschillende onderdelen. Je kunt hierbij denken aan het faciliteren van een gastpanel van sprekers, het dagvoorazitterschap tijdens de opening van een nieuw pand of andere gelegenheid of het geven van een workshop of training op het gebied van persoonlijke- en teamontwikkeling in relatie tot empowerment.
Lees meer over Faciliteren
Bob inspireert mensen en teams en organisaties door open en persoonlijk te zijn. Hij deelt eigen (levens)ervaring om mensen te inspireren om in zichzelf te geloven en hun eigen kracht te ontdekken. Hierin is hij benaderbaar, kwetsbaar en raakt hij keer op keer alle aanwezigen bij zijn inspiratiesessies.
Lees meer over Inspireren

Bob verbindt en legt met deze verbinding snel de kern bloot. Dit doet hij door mensen 1-op-1 of in teams te verbinden voor een betere samenwerking en persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Hij vereenvoudigt complexe strategische plannen en begeleidt bij het maken van keuzes door het ondernemen van acties in concrete communicatie-, trainings- en interventiemethoden.
Lees meer over Verbinden
Bob verbindt en legt met deze verbinding snel de kern bloot. Dit doet hij zowel door mensen 1-op-1 of in teams te verbinden voor een betere samenwerking en persoonlijke ontwikkeling, als door het vereenvoudigen van complexe strategische plannen en keuzes in concrete relevante communicatie-, trainings- en interventiemethoden.
Lees meer over Verbinden

I worked for companies and organizations like:
Microsoft Nederland, Schiphol Group, Hogeschool Inholland, Koninklijke Visio, The Social Enterprise, Ministerie van defensie & de Utrechtse werkvoorziening.
Meet BOB
+31 (0)6 526 497 88